In parallel with the development of a targeted token utility cycle and associated mechanics, it is recommended to conduct market research for the confirmation or rebuttal of existing hypotheses, better adjustment to the needs of users and identification of concealed competitive advantages and insights
4 pages research with following parts:
8 pages research with following parts:
workflow process example
Actors overview (statistics, behavior, trends, list & prioritization of actors)
Personalized insights (forecast on trends, actors & market rules)
Presentation of research results (adapted for investors relations)
Actors overview (statistics, behavior, trends)
Personalized recommendations for client
Detailed insights (forecast on trends, actors & market rules)
2 detailed market cases (success/failure stories)
Market overview (detailed statistics, rules & trends)
Market detailed overview (detailed statistics, hidden rules & trends)
4 detailed market cases (success/failure stories)
Complex personalized recommendations & concept plan for marketing activities
2 hours of advising sessions
Project Planning Stage
Project Execution Stage
Controlling & Monitoring
How long will it take?
$ 5 100
pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
It usually takes from 20 to 40 hours of specialists' time, depending on the complexity of information extraction and its relevance in the sources. Suitable for products with a simple single business model
2-4 weeks
$ 9 600
pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
It usually takes from 40 hours, increased batch time due to the strong granularity of each of the report artifacts. Suitable for products and ecosystems with a multi-utility business model
1 month
UniFi adheres to the establishment of long-term partnerships yielding tangible value and will consider renumeration in the form of native project digital assets
Pay up to 20% of the order with your project’s digital assets
The framework of Marketing Advising services includes the following services provided by highly qualified specialists in their respective areas of expertise:
The service is provided in the form of consulting hours packages and can be used with other services within the paid package at the Customer’s discretion
Specialists on the project:
Related services:
Growth Hacking
Product management